Advantages of HONEY / SHEHAD Ke Fayde / Benefits of HONEY / Natural Home Remedies From HONEY / Medicinal Uses of HONEY

Following are the Simple Natural Remedies of HONEY according to Science and Ayurveda 

1. To get immediate relief from BURN WOUNDS and help cure the sore fast, apply honey on the wound.

2. To cure any type of SKIN AILMENTS and wounds apply honey on the affected area.

3. To get relief from SORE MOUTH, apply honey on the sore four times a day.

4. To improve sexual prowess an d avoid ejaculation during sleep/dream , consume honey regularly in moderate quantities.

5. To get RELIEF FROM INFLAMMATION OF THE JAWS AND FROM Toothache  apply honey with a piece of cotton on the affected region To five times a day.

6. To avpoid CONSTIPATION, consume honey regularly.

7. To IMPROVE IMMUNITY To DECEASE IN THE CHILDREN and make them grow strong give them honey mixed with fresh milk regularly .

7a. take honey with any medicine To get quick relief since honey has the power To cure decease naturally. honey also works To improve the blood count and acts as a Tonic.

8. To get RELIEF from joint pains, make a paste of honey and lime (chunnam) and apply the paste To the affected region.

9. To stop EXCESSIVE URINATION take about three spoons of pure honey after dinner every day.

10. To treat COUGH and FEVER in children , mix honey with the juice of holy basil leaves and give them, twice a day for three days.

11. To REDUCE WEIGHT, improve general health and To strengthen the nerves of obese persons give four teaspoons of honey To them every day.

12. To induce normal daily bodily function in the patients suffering from diabetes and tuberculosis, gives honey To them regularly.

13. To IMPROVE DIGESTIVE POWER and bodily strength take honey every morning on empty stomach. this will also get rid of tiredness and lethargy and will enhance endurance.